Committee Charter
The purpose of this charter is to define the mission, authority, responsibilities, and membership for the Castleberry Point Condominium HOA’s (hereinafter referred to as the “HOA”) Commerical Committee. The charter also conveys commitment from and implied support by members of the HOA, the association’s board of directors, as well as any property managers.
The commercial committee members will bring together the business owners and tenants of Castleberry Point in order to pass the bylaws that will be enacted by all businesses and collaborate on projects that directly affect the commercial areas of the building.
This will be achieved by meeting as often as necessary to complete the assigned responsibilities and carrying out plans through required actions to complete the annual goals and objectives.
Scope of Authority
The ultimate authority for this committee lies with Castleberry Point HOA’s current board of directors. The committee has no expressed or implied power or authority. Only recommendations will be made to the board of directors.
All commercial owners may be members of the commercial committee. Members must be in good standing, i.e., assessments current, no outstanding HOA, rules non-compliance issues. Commercial tenants are also welcome to join the meetings without membership in the committee.
Roles and Responsibilities
Parking Garage Management
Commercial-only ACC Recommendations
Courtyard Reservation Management
External Building/Sidewalk Management/Business Fronts
A majority of the commercial committee member-owners shall constitute a quorum. The committee chair will keep a copy of the committee meeting minutes and forward a copy to the board secretary. The committee chair may invite any director, officer, staff member, expert or other advisor who is not a member of the committee to attend, but these individuals have no voting power for the committee recommendations.
Commercial committee members commit to meeting at least once a month and commit to a term of at least two (2) years.
This charter may be reviewed and revised by the commercial committee as deemed necessary and approved by the board.