Trash and recycling facilities are provided for residents at Castleberry Point; however, inappropriate disposal of trash, including abandoned trash or blocking the trash chute is subject to fines.
Trash Disposal
Trash Chutes
Trash chutes are located in the northeast corner of the parking garage near Stairwell A.
The chutes are designed to accept bagged trash, typically 13-gallon bags or smaller.
Note: Do not leave any trash near the trash chute. If bag doesn't fit down the chute, take it down to the trash collection room.
Trash Collection Room
The trash collection room is accessible at street level on Chapel Street, just west of the entrance to the parking garage.
Use the trash collection room to dispose of recyclables, including broken-down boxes, and other regular household trash.
The following materials are typically accepted for recycling only when clean and free of food, grease, or other contamination:
Glass — Clear and colored glass, such as beverage containers and glass food jars
Metal — Aerosol spray cans, aluminum cans, aluminum foil, and steel cans
Paper — Cardboard, cereal boxes, magazines, mail, newspaper, and paperboard
Plastic — Plastics types 1 - 7, such as milk jugs, water bottles, and soda containers
For more details on accepted recyclable materials, refer to the Recycling Guide on the Republic Services website.
Unacceptable Trash
Do not dispose of hazardous material, furniture, construction materials, or other large household waste in the dumpsters or trash collection area.
To safely dispose of hazardous materials including paint, batteries, and e-waste, contact CHaRM, the Center for Hard to Recycle Materials.
To safely dispose of furniture, construction materials, or other large household waste, transport the waste to an appropriate transfer station or landfill identified by the City of Atlanta or Fulton County.
Important! If it is determined that your unit is responsible for placing unacceptable trash in or near the trash chute or the trash collection room, you will be fined.