
Here is how residents, tenants, and vendors can pay and invoice the association.

Owners & Residents

Your Monthly Charge on the 1st == HOA Dues + Water and Sewer Usage

Your HOA dues are a monthly installment payment of the annual assessment that is approved by the Association each year. These charges are applied to your HOA account on the firstcvdfbv of each month via AppFolio. Water and sewer charges are also billed on the first of each month to each unit based on submetered usage as a special assessment. Special assessments may also occur in certain situations such as damage or repairs to the building. Rules governing assessments are located in the Declaration, Section 10 “Assessments”.

AppFolio Portal Payments Setup

Access the AppFolio Portal to check your account balance, make dues assessment payments, pay your water and sewer bill, set up auto-pay, submit maintenance requests, and submit architectural reviews. When setting up auto-payments, be advised that the water and sewer charge may arrive after the auto-payment for HOA dues has been executed. Therefore, it is recommended that you set up a second auto-payment in AppFolio on the 5th of each month to ensure your water and sewer charges are also paid on time (see below).

Late Payments

If an assessment payment is more than 10 days late, you will be charged a late payment charge of $25.00 or 10% of the amount not paid (whichever is greater). For additional details, refer to the Declaration, Section 10(c) “Delinquent Assessments”.

Check Payments

We do not accept check payments for any charges on your HOA account and everything must be paid through the AppFolio portal. The only exception to this is for collections payments; however, these are processed and cashed through our law firm.

Live/Work Units

Live/work units are considered to be 50% commercial and 50% residential in square footage and their dues as calculated as such. In AppFolio, we track these units as two units representing these parts. For example, live/work unit 224 is tracked as the combination of units 224R (residential portion) and 224C (commercial portion). Once you activate both of these accounts in AppFolio, you can access each to see each unit's balance. Be sure to set up payment arrangements for both accounts to stay current with dues. Water and sewer charges will only show up in the residential account, however. Maintenance requests and architectural change requests can be logged from either unit.


Current Vendors

Please send all invoices as attached PDF files to for the fastest processing times. If you have not yet been set up as a vendor, please reach out to the board.

Prospective Vendors

Interested in helping out with operations at Castleberry Point for either operating or capital projects? Please reach out to

Additional Resources