
Information Security Policy

This Policy Document encompasses all aspects of security surrounding confidential company information and must be distributed to all company employees. All company employees must read this document in its entirety and sign the form confirming they have read and understand this policy fully. This document will be reviewed and updated by Management on an annual basis or when relevant to include newly developed security standards into the policy and distribute it all employees and contracts as applicable.

Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) handles sensitive cardholder information daily.  Sensitive Information must have adequate safeguards in place to protect them, to protect cardholder privacy, to ensure compliance with various regulations and to guard the future of the organisation.

Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) commits to respecting the privacy of all its customers and to protecting any data about customers from outside parties.  To this end management are committed to maintaining a secure environment in which to process cardholder information so that we can meet these promises.

Employees handling Sensitive cardholder data should ensure:

We each have a responsibility for ensuring our company’s systems and data are protected from unauthorized access and improper use.  If you are unclear about any of the policies detailed herein you should seek advice and guidance from your line manager.

The Management’s intentions for publishing an Acceptable Use Policy are not to impose restrictions that are contrary to Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point)’s established culture of openness, trust and integrity. Management is committed to protecting the employees, partners and Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) from illegal or damaging actions by individuals, either knowingly or unknowingly. Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) will maintain an approved list of technologies and devices and personnel with access to such devices as detailed in Appendix B.

Violation of the standards, policies and procedures presented in this document by an employee will result in disciplinary action, from warnings or reprimands up to and including termination of employment. Claims of ignorance, good intentions or using poor judgment will not be used as excuses for non compliance.

This policy aims to ensure that Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) conducts its business in full compliance with all national and international laws and regulations that pertain to its industry, as well as professional standards, accepted business practices, and internal standards.

In relation to this Information security policy and relevant laws regulation and industry standards Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) need to maintain up to date documentation and ensure they are relevant and updated when changes are made as well as reviewed for accuracy on an annual basis.

The documents include procedures, standards, asset lists, network diagrams, cardholder flow diagrams.

It is strictly prohibited to store:

Data and media containing data must always be labelled to indicate sensitivity level

All Access to sensitive cardholder should be controlled and authorised. Any Job functions that require access to cardholder data should be clearly defined.

Access to sensitive information in both hard and soft media format must be physically restricted to prevent unauthorised individuals from obtaining sensitive data. 

All sensitive cardholder data must be protected securely if it is to be transported physically or electronically.

The policies and procedures outlined below must be incorporated into company practice to maintain a high level of security awareness. The protection of sensitive data demands regular training of all employees and contractors. 

All users, including contractors and vendors with access to Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) systems, are responsible for taking the appropriate steps, as outlined below, to select and secure their passwords.

Standard defaults of "public," "private" and "system" and must be different from the passwords used to log in interactively.

remote access privileges to Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point)’s corporate network to ensure that their remote

access connection is given the same consideration as the user's on-site connection to Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point).

administrative access privileges to Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point)’s cde network to ensure that their administrative

access connection is given the same consideration as the administrative console connection.

Application Code Developers shall:

Example 1:

    Risk: Denial of Service in systems or network devices because of the network scans.

    Mitigation measure 1: network scans must be performed in a controlled manner. The start and end of the scan must be notified to responsible personnel to allow monitoring during testing. For any sign of trouble will abort the scan in progress.

    Mitigation measure 2: scanning tools must be configured to guarantee that the volume of sent packets or sessions established per minute does not cause a problem for network elements. In this sense, we must perform the first scans in a very controlled way and a use minimum configuration that may be expanded when is evident that the configuration is not dangerous for network devices or servers in the organization


Systems included in the scope:

'Security incident' means any incident (accidental, intentional or deliberate) relating to your communications or information processing systems. The attacker could be a malicious stranger, a competitor, or a disgruntled employee, and their intention might be to steal information or money, or just to damage your company.

The Incident response plan has to be tested once annually. Copies of this incident response plan is to be made available to all relevant staff members, and take steps to ensure that they understand it and what is expected of them.

Employees of Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) will be expected to report to the security officer for any security related issues.

Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) PCI security incident response plan is as follows:

PCI Security Incident Response Team: Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) & Parkonect

Incident Response Notification

Escalation Members

Escalation – First Level

      External Contacts - Second Level

In response to a systems compromise, the PCI Response Team and designees will:

The card companies have individually specific requirements the Response Team must address in reporting suspected or confirmed breaches of cardholder data. 

Incident Response notifications to various card schemes  

 VISA Steps

If the data security compromise involves credit card account numbers, implement the following procedure: 

Visa Incident Report Template

This report must be provided to VISA within 14 days after initial report of incident to VISA. The following report content and standards must be followed when completing the incident report. Incident report must be securely distributed to VISA and Merchant Bank. Visa will classify the report as “VISA Secret”*.

Executive Summary 

Include overview of the incident 

Include RISK Level (High, Medium, Low) 

Determine if compromise has been contained


Initial Analysis 

Investigative Procedures

Include forensic tools used during investigation 


Number of accounts at risk, identify those stores and compromised 

Type of account information at risk

Identify ALL systems analyzed. Include the following:

Domain Name System (DNS) names

Internet Protocol (IP) addresses

Operating System (OS) version

Function of system(s)

Identify ALL compromised systems. Include the following:

DNS names

IP addresses

OS version

Function of System(s)

Timeframe of compromise

Any data exported by intruder

Establish how and source of compromise

Check all potential database locations to ensure that no CVV2, Track 1 or Track 2 data is stored anywhere, whether encrypted or unencrypted (e.g., duplicate or backup tables or databases, databases used in development, stage or testing environments, data on software engineers’ machines, etc.)

If applicable, review VisaNet endpoint security and determine risk

Compromised Entity Action


Contact(s) at entity and security assessor performing investigation

*This classification applies to the most sensitive business information, which is intended for use within VISA. Its unauthorized disclosure could seriously and adversely impact VISA, its employees, member banks, business partners, and/or the Brand

MasterCard Steps:

Once MasterCard obtains the details of the account data compromise and the list of compromised account numbers, MasterCard will:

Employees of Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) will be expected to report to the security officer for any security related issues. The role of the security officer is to effectively communicate all security policies and procedures to employees within Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) and contractors. In addition to this, the security officer will oversee the scheduling of security training sessions, monitor and enforce the security policies outlined in both this document and at the training sessions and finally, oversee the implantation of the incident response plan in the event of a sensitive data compromise. 

Discover Card Steps

American Express Steps

Roles and responsibilities need to be defined down to a requirement level.

Chief Security Officer (or equivalent) is responsible for overseeing all aspects of information security, including but not limited to:

The Information Technology Office (or equivalent) shall maintain daily administrative and technical operational security procedures that are consistent with the PCI-DSS (for example, user account maintenance procedures, and log review procedures).

Network Administrators shall:

System and Application Administrators shall:

The Human Resources Office (or equivalent) is responsible for tracking employee participation in the security awareness program, including:

General Counsel (or equivalent) will ensure that for service providers with whom cardholder information is shared:

Name of person making request:

Job title of the newcomers and workgroup: 

Start date: 

Services required (default services are: MS Outlook, MS Office and Internet access):

If the need arises to use wireless technology it should be approved by Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) and the following wireless standards have to be adhered to:

Appendix A – Agreement to Comply Form Agreement to Comply With Information Security Policies

Castleberry Point Condominium Association, Inc. 

I agree to take all reasonable precautions to assure that company internal information, or information that has been entrusted to Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) by third parties such as customers, will not be disclosed to unauthorised persons. At the end of my employment or contract with Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point), I agree to return all information to which I have had access as a result of my position. I understand that I am not authorised to use sensitive information for my own purposes, nor am I at liberty to provide this information to third parties without the express written consent of the internal manager who is the designated information owner.  

I have access to a copy of the Information Security Policies, I have read and understand these policies, and I understand how it impacts my job. As a condition of continued employment, I agree to abide by the policies and other requirements found in Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) security policy. I understand that non-compliance will be cause for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal, and perhaps criminal and/or civil penalties.  

I also agree to promptly report all violations or suspected violations of information security policies to the designated security officer.

Appendix B

List of Third Party Service Providers

Flash Parking Parkonect (support@parkonect.com)

Appendix C – POI Management Policy

Where Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) are utilizing POI’s the following policies are applicable:

POI Device Inventory and Management:

Physical Security Measures:

Device Inspection and Maintenance:

Secure Configuration and Software Management:

Access Controls:

Appendix D – eCommerce Configuration and Hardening Policy

Where Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) are utilizing re-direct and iFrame solutions to take payments for the eCommerce environment Castleberry Point Condminium Association, Inc. (Castleberry Point) need to apply system configuration and hardening of these systems as follows:

Establish a Standard eCommerce Server Configuration:

Implement Hardening Procedures:

Control Administrative Access:

Regularly Review and Update Configurations:

Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program: