
The Association holds regular annual and monthly meetings for members. Rules governing meetings are located in the Bylaws, Article II “Meetings of Members” in addition to the meeting rules below.


We use Trello to track all work and agendas for the board and our various committees. Trello is restricted to board members and committee members. Want access? Consider volunteering for a committee by contacting the board.


Meeting minutes for the board and committees are tracked in Trello and exported monthly to our Google Drive. Remember to re-sort the list by name descending to see the most recent minutes at the top.


Unable to attend a meeting as an owner? Fill out our proxy template by assigning your vote to someone else in attendace and send it to for processing. Thanks!

Meeting Rules

The board and the community are bound our bylaws to use Robert's Rules of Order (latest edition) for the running of any official meeting. In addition to Robert's Rules of Order, the board has put the following rules in place to ensure healthy meetings. These rules are for everyone's benefit to ensure that all business can be addressed in a timely fashion while respecting the wants and desires of the community and people's time.

For All Members

  • Confidential issues are issues related to a specific units, owners, tenants, roommates, or board members can only be discussed in an executive session

  • You will be asked to leave the room if you speak about a confidential session outside of an executive session

  • If you do not leave, the meeting will be immediately adjourned

For Non-board Members

  • Raise your hand to be recognized by the board during an open forum or during board business discussion

  • You must be recognized by the President in order to speak to the board or to the room

  • You will have 60 seconds to make a comment or ask a question

  • There will be a maximum of two followup questions from the original Presidential recognition, also limited to 60 seconds

  • Cross-talking and over-talking will not be tolerated in the room

  • You will be asked to leave the room if you speak and are not recognized by the President

  • If you do not leave, the meeting will be immediately adjourned

For Board Candidate Presentations

  • Each candidate will have up to 4 minutes to present to the community

  • Any questions for a candidate must be written down (who the question is addressed to and the question itself) and handed to the President after the candidate presents

  • After all candidates present, a 45 minute Q&A session will commence, with the President (or optionally the author of the question) asking the collected questions to each candidate

  • Each candidate will have 1 minute to answer each question

Annual Meetings

Annual meetings are held during the fourth quarter of each year. Notice of an annual meeting is sent at least 21 days prior to the annual meeting. For additional details, refer to the Declaration, Bylaws, Article II, Section 1 “Annual Meetings”.

Open Board Meetings

Open board meetings are held once per quarter. Notice of an open board meeting is sent at least 21 days prior to the annual meeting. For additional details, refer to the Declaration, Bylaws, Article II, Section 1 “Special Meetings". The current agenda for the board can always be found here.

Special Meetings

Special meetings can be called at any time by the President or Secretary of the Board, any two members of the Board, or upon written petition of Owners, holding at least 15% of the total Association vote. Notice of a special meeting is sent at least seven days prior to a special meeting.

  • For additional details, refer to the Bylaws, Article II, Section 2 “Special Meetings”.

  • For instructions on requesting a special meeting, refer to the Standard Operating Procedures.

For additional details, refer to the Declaration, Bylaws, Article II, Section 1 “Special Meetings”. To request a special meeting to be held, use this form.

Notice of Meetings

Notice of a meeting is delivered to the address of record for the owner of each unit. You can log in to the Online Resident Portal to update your your address of record at any time. For additional details, refer to the Declaration, Bylaws, Article II, Section 3 “Notice of Meetings”.


Each unit has one equal vote in the Association. If an owner has any unpaid balances, more than 30 days past due, their voting rights are suspended. For additional details, refer to the Declaration, Bylaws, Article I, Section 6 “Voting”.